Speed up 20% Your Internet Bandwidth


Buat blogger yang belum bisa bahasa inggris silakan di translate aja pakai tool yang ada dipojok kanan atas. Hal ini saya lakukan biar kita sama - sama belajar bahasa inggris. Tuh kan sekali lagi saya bilang Blog MonozCore ga asal cuma copy - paste tapi selalu memberikan nilai plus buat pengunjungnya hehehe.

FYI (For Your Information) this trick is tested using Windows XP, I don't know if its works for other version of windows. Please post a comment if this trick also works for other version of Windows.

Do you know if the windows had been taking 20% of our internet bandwidth. Now it's time we take back our 20% bandwidth so we can increase the connection speed. Ok let's take some action ...

1. Open windows start menu then click run or use windows+r button then type “gpedit.msc” (without double quote).

2. On the computer configuration—>administrative template—>click network.

3. Click Qos packet scheduler—->Click 2x limit reservable bandwith—>there said not configured but the truth is: read below.

4. By default windows make our bandwith reserved 20 % for the connection  but we can overide by default configuration.

5. So the trick is to ENABLED reservable bandwith and change the configuration to zero (0) this will make our system speed up the connection by 20%.

6. Click OK then feel the magic.......
Speed up 20% Your Internet Bandwidth 4.5 5 Unknown Buat blogger yang belum bisa bahasa inggris silakan di translate aja pakai tool yang ada dipojok kanan atas. Hal ini saya lakukan biar kita ...

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